The race is not to the swift… not yet favour to men of skill but time and chance happeneth to the all. Eccl 9:11
1. Walk with God i.e. walk in righteousness. (Ps. 5:12, Prov14:9, 11:27, 12:2) God is not a respecter of person, for in every nation everyone that feareth him and worketh upright is accepted of him.
2. Work for him. Mal 3:17
3. Be faithful where you are: David was faithful or he could have allowed the lion/bear to eat the sheep and nobody will blame him. Even Jesse can’t wait for a bear!
4. Walk in wisdom of the word: Prov 8:34-35: Joseph obtained the favour of the king. When he was going , he changed his dress. You can’t get into the palace dressing like a prisoner!
5. Fasting generates anointing. Anointing generates favour. Esther used it. (SOS 1:3)
- Rom 9: 11- it is not of him that willeth…
- John 5:1-8 – He was dragging himself before Jesus came to him in the midst of many and picked him up.
- Between Manasseh and Ephraim, favour made Ephraim outrun his elder brother in destiny.
- When David was carrying the ark with 30000 men back to Israel, Uzzah died. The ark was dropped in the house of a man whom God decided to favour. The blessing he received was more than what he had that since his birth.
- Ps 44:3 – it is favour that guarantees fulfillment of prophecy.
- David’s speed was greater than the other sons. It was favour that picked him from the bush.

1. Walk with God i.e. walk in righteousness. (Ps. 5:12, Prov14:9, 11:27, 12:2) God is not a respecter of person, for in every nation everyone that feareth him and worketh upright is accepted of him.
2. Work for him. Mal 3:17
3. Be faithful where you are: David was faithful or he could have allowed the lion/bear to eat the sheep and nobody will blame him. Even Jesse can’t wait for a bear!
4. Walk in wisdom of the word: Prov 8:34-35: Joseph obtained the favour of the king. When he was going , he changed his dress. You can’t get into the palace dressing like a prisoner!
5. Fasting generates anointing. Anointing generates favour. Esther used it. (SOS 1:3)
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