Emotions themselves are not evil. In
fact, the reason the Psalms mean so much to us is that the writers of the
psalms wrote about every emotion we will ever experience. We relate to
the Psalms because the emotions we experience in life are similar to
those the psalmist experienced.
God was not
stingy in bestowing the gift of emotions. He was not only generous, but
we are rich in emotional responses. They come in infinite combinations
of types and intensities. There are the good emotions of the heart
produced by the Holy Spirit and godly living. (See Galatians 5:22,23.)
And there are the damaging, sinful, defeating emotions that come from
sinful practices, failure, guilt, and wrong thinking. Just as we may
experience physical pain or pleasure, so we have the capacity to
experience emotional pain or pleasure. We can experience the mountain
tops of emotional ecstasy and also the devastating emotions that seem to
totally overwhelm us. God gives us the ability to feel pain, joy, and a
host of other emotions.
Much of what we do or experience in life involves
the emotions. Often when we sin the emotions are involved and behind
those emotions are sinful thoughts and attitudes. We often manifest sin
and failure in our emotional responses. And sin that is UN-confessed and UN-forsaken will effect us emotionally.
It isn’t that we should consider our emotions in a negative way. We are so accustomed to hearing the phrase emotional problems,
that we may think that all our emotions are a bother and we‘d be better
off without them. But that is not the case. It is just that there are
negative emotions we need to consider. We also need to praise God for
the healthy, fulfilling and joyous emotions which we experience as well.
In what ways do we respond to our emotions?
Often, we try to ignore our feelings or emotions. This
seems to be a popular approach taken by some Christian writers who see
our emotional make up as a hindrance to our spiritual progress. Emotions
ought not be an embarrassment to us or an unwanted part of life. Some
would say we should believe facts and ignore our feelings. This would
mean we are to deny our feelings. This encourages us to suppress our
negative emotions rather than benefit from them. Husbands often develop
insensitivity toward their wives because they have heard so often they
should not show their emotions. Maybe from the time they were small boys
they were told that men don’t cry. Such men have learned to
suppress feelings and now as adults they don’t know how to show any
emotions of affection and love to their wives.
I have known angry people who deny their emotions of anger;
they are unable to admit to such feelings, believing that such an
admission would be the same as confessing spiritual carnality. Others deny
their hostility, bitterness, or sorrow. Thinking Christians should not
have such feelings or emotions, they insist that they are free from
them. The result is deep feelings often smolder beneath the surface of
their personalities. Some are at the boiling stage and yet they will not
admit their condition.
There are others who have gone the opposite direction-- their feelings are the very focus of their lives.
If we follow our feelings
and our sensually focused desires we will fulfill our animal, sinful
urges and will bring ruin and chaos to our lives. Emotions, physical
senses and desires can be like headstrong steeds . . . you have to keep
the reins firmly in hand.
Then there may be times we seek to insulate ourselves from emotions.
Maybe we have been deeply hurt by someone so we endeavor to stay away
from that person or any similar circumstances. Not only our perception,
but our evaluations of what we perceive causes our emotions and our
reactions which are sometimes so very sinful.
Some people seem to be emotionally controlled
in many ways. They may be high-strung, anxious, fretful, worrying-type
people. Often because of pride we can be controlled by our feelings. The
predominate reaction may be manifested in angry outbursts, bitterness,
holding grudges, resentments, and unforgiving attitudes.
Behind our sinful actions of anger, bitterness,
wrath, envy, jealousy, worry, fear, selfishness,
self-pity, etc., are not only the thoughts and self-talk involved, but
also the emotional responses or feelings that we so easily surrender to
or seek to fulfill.
The conflicts marriage partners experience are
usually evident in emotional responses. There is the clash of wills, the
quarrels, the competition and contentions so many couples live out and
thus bring about hell on earth in their daily lives. They not
only think wrong but then yield to their emotional urges and sensual
desires and continue to bring about failure and hurt.
But we can have daily, God-controlled emotional responses.
When the Christian allows the Holy Spirit to fill and control he will
be different. We are to live a supernatural Christian life. We are to be
living the kind of life that proves the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in the
daily nitty-gritty of life. If we allow Him to control He will be the
dynamic for the control of our emotions. When the Holy Spirit controls
the life of the Christian He will bring healing to our emotional sorrows
and failures. (See Ephesians 5:18-21.)
Praise God for the twelve fruits of the spirit
that we can experience and live in daily life. Not only the nine-fold
fruit of the Spirit as given in Galatians 5:23, 24, but also the three
fruits given in Ephesians 5:18-21. He will cause us to have a song in the heart, ( vs 19), a thankful heart (vs 20), and a submissive spirit (vs 21).
Biblical truth about our emotions.
1. God, as our Creator, has endowed us with emotional capacities that are similar to His own since we are created in His image. When
we read the Word of God and search out truth about God’s emotions we
will find that He was sorry (Gen. 6:6), became weary of hypocrisy (Isa.
1:11-14), and of course manifested anger against sin.
Christ, who is and was God in flesh, expressed
sorrow (John 11:35), anger (Mark 3:5), frustration (Luke 9:41),
amazement (Luke 7:9), and joy (Heb. 12:2). Christ did not deny His
emotions but revealed them and yet without sin.
We need to affirm the fact that emotions are gifts from God. They do become problems to us when we manifest our emotions in sinful ways.
2. Since we are created in God’s image we are beings that have physical, spiritual and emotional unity.
With our bodies we relate to our physical environment, with our
spirits we have fellowship with God, and with our emotions we can be
affected by either the heavenly or earthly relationships. Our souls,
given of God, include our capacity of will or volition, thoughts or
reasoning and emotions or feelings.
When we consider the impact of emotions in life
resulting from our thoughts, decisions and experiences -- they can
include terrible guilt, tremendous loss and sorrow, or relief,
satisfaction and joy. We can, through salvation and freedom from sin,
also have a heart that is clean, free, and lighthearted.
Physical illness affects our emotional equilibrium.
And the reverse is also true: our emotions can affect our physical
health. Many diseases are considered psychosomatic: the physical
ailment is caused by emotional disorders. For example, we cannot live
with guilt, anger, or bitterness without it exacting an enormous
physical penalty -- it can cause everything from ulcers to backaches.
Doctors tell us that 60-80 percent of the diseases
that people experience are emotionally induced illnesses. They are
brought about by emotional upsets, or prolonged sin in the life. Dr. S.
I. McMillen M. D. says in his book, None of These Diseases, that
there are fully 51 different physical problems people bring upon
themselves because of harbored sin that tears them up emotionally and
has a profound impact upon the body.
Emotions have far more impact upon our lives than what we think. And often behind these emotions are thoughts that produce the emotional responses.
3. God created us with emotions so that our lives might be enriched, not to bring problems that we must endure.
We are not, praise the Lord, cold, calculating, intelligent, and
insensitive machines. If there was no sorrow, there would also be no
joy. What would life be without anticipation, comfort, laughter, the
ecstasy of lovers and the sympathy of friends? Life would be empty and
dull without emotions. Our emotions were not given to control us, but so
we might be able to enjoy life. We would not be better off if we were
free of them.
But we still need to know how to have victory over the control of defeating, negative, sinful, hurtful emotional responses.
4. God allows our emotions to be what they are so we through our emotional responses can detect what we need to change.
I may recognize that I am depressed, resentful, irritated,
discouraged, despondent, or bitter. These very emotions and the thoughts
involved should make me aware that there are things I need to change. I
need to recognize which sinful thinking and attitudes are helping to
produce my sinful emotional responses.
Our negative emotions such as bitterness, rejection, and anger are to not to be ignored.
In fact, emotional pain may tell us that all is not well with our
spiritual life. Emotional stability can be ours only through our
relationship to God rather than dependence on any physical or chemical
Briefly then, what should we do with our emotions?
The answer is to
1) admit to ourselves and to God how
we feel (sometimes we should also admit our feelings to others too,)
2) ask ourselves: Why do I feel the way I do? And even more
3) find out what the Bible teaches so that we will have
divine direction for managing our fluctuating feelings. A study of
Psalm 42 and 43 will help you to focus on how emotions can be so
changeable and that our thoughts can tremendously impact our emotions.
4) we need to realize emotional wholeness
follows obedience and not vice versa. Many people do not obey God’s
Word because they think they must feel like it first; that is, they
think unless they obey with emotional exhilaration and joy, they are
guilty of hypocrisy.
This is not true. Do you think that Christ felt like
going to the cross? The thought and anticipation of His death did not
give Him emotional pleasure. Yet in the end He experienced the emotional
satisfaction and joy of doing the Father’s will. His joy followed
obedience to the Father’s will; it did not precede it. (See Heb.
Last Word: Manage your emotions...never allow your emotions to manage you!
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