2. In order to grow we need to breathe—Prayer
The practice of prayer is also required for spiritual growth a. Through prayer we find mercy and grace to help - He 4:16 b. Through prayer we find peace to guard our hearts - Php 4:6-7
The Christian must therefore continue steadfastly in prayer.Perhaps emulating the example of David - cf. Ps 55:17 And the custom of Daniel, who prayed three times daily Dan 6:10
3. In order to grow we need good spiritual hygiene—Living above sin
There is a depth in God you can never get to ,if you are living in unconfessed sin.(2 Corinthians 7:1) If you are not a friend of God,you cannot go far with him.Meanwhile you cannot be his friend if you are wallowing in sin.(Psalm 32)
Once we have taken that step of salvation, we are declared righteous (Romans 5:1). But what does it look like to be actually righteous—to live a holy life?
Basically Paul emphasizes sexual purity as part of holy living.Beyond avoiding sexual immorality and keeping sex within God’s design for marriage, we can live a holy life by being obedient to God in all areas of life (1 Peter 1:14–16). Knowing and obeying God’s Word is key (John 17:17). Hiding God’s Word in our hearts keeps us from sin (Psalm 119:11).
4. In order to grow we need a caring family—Fellowship
Assembling together with other Christians is very important ( Heb 10:24-25) It is a means of stimulating one another to love and good works.We exhort one another in our service to Christ.Therefore Christians should make a strong habit of attending church: Attending as often as possible, for worship, Bible study,etc. b. The more we attend, the stronger the habit becomes; the less we attend, the weaker the habit becomes -- Christians who make it a habit to skip the assemblies struggle in their efforts to grow spiritually; no Christian has become stronger by neglecting the assembly!
5. In order to grow we need regular exercise—Service
Serving God is one of the easiest way to grow fast.You need to personally hunt for opportunities to serve God in your local assembly...even if you are not hired.Matt20:6-7
6. In order to grow we need protection—Temptation
7. In order to grow we need to give—Stewardship
James 4:13-14; 1 Timothy 6:9-10; James 1:5; 1 Timothy 6:8; 1 Timothy 6:11; Philippians 4:11-13
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