The journey of marital life can be very
rosy as partners are bound to make mistakes even if they’ve made
commitment to each other till death on the altar. Understanding these
mistakes made by newlyweds will afford you the opportunity of avoiding
them if you plan on getting married soon. Trust me, marriage is the best
union ever because it is based on trust, tolerance, understanding,
sacrifice and God. Below are some avoidable mistakes made by newlyweds
and tips on how to overcome them.
1. Failing to Plan for Life after Wedding
Most couples get carried away by the
wedding plans, the wedding proper and other events attached to the
wedding that they forget that all these ends in just one day. Some even
put all their resources for the wedding forgetting that marital life
starts after the wedding fun. After the wedding, you have to live
together, tolerate each other and plan your family. Couples should
always plan for life after the wedding even before the wedding because
couples that fail to plan, plan to fail. Though make your wedding a
memorable one but do not put all your resources for the wedding.
2. Not Understanding what Marriage is
Some couples do not understand what
marriage is all about and just walk into it as If to think that marriage
is a bed of roses or an avenue to enjoy each other. Marriage is far
from it. Though, there would be times for enjoyment but there are also
hard times which couples have to undergo. Many couples rush into
marriage and later rush out from it. The ability of couples to be able
to overcome hard times and challenges are what helps in solidifying
marital relationship. Before you jump into marriage, seek advice from
parents, priest, pastors, or an expert as the case may be to better
understand the kind of life you are about to get into.
3. Trying to Change your Spouse
This is one of the biggest mistakes made
by couples as they think marriage will automatically change the
character of a spouse. Change is something that is constant and it takes
time to happen. You married him or her because of love, so give that
love a chance to reign in the marriage. Love is sacrifice. Accept the
way your spouse is and give him or her room for improvement. Change is
never automatic as trying to change the character of your spouse
immediately may hurt his or her feelings and cause damage to your
4. Rushing into Making or Having Children
Children are beautiful gifts from God
and having children shows the fruitfulness of the marriage. The problem
here is that most couples just rush into having children without giving
themselves enough time to be married to each other. Enjoy and spoil
yourselves for a while and plan for children because when they come,
focus and attention is being shifted from your spouse to your children.
They become priority which you cannot hide from. So, have fun with
yourselves and decide together when it’s best to have children.
5. Not Being on the Same Page with your In-laws
As with most African homes, not getting
along with your in-laws before and after the wedding might send the
wrong message to the family of the bride or groom. If the damage has
been done, be the first to extend the hands of peace because the only
person who gets all the insults and blame is your spouse, who might be
caught off in the middle.
6. Acting like You are Still Single
As soon as you were pronounced husband
and wife at the altar, that signaled the end of being both a bachelor
and a spinster. The parties, hanging out with friends and all sorts that
happened when you were single should either be minimized or stopped as
you now have a responsibility to one another. As a married person, there
are behaviours that should be dropped which are no longer appropriate.
Always put your spouse first before anything. Learn to do what is right
so as to take your marriage to greater heights.
7. Avoiding important discussions
No matter how couples try to run or
meander their way from important issues, they just can’t shy away from
them. Subjects like how to handle money, when to have children, planning
for the children’s future and how to prepare for the unthinkable, i.e
death e.t.c are paramount. All these and more are what shapes a marriage
and should be dealt with. Discuss these issues with your spouse and
seek advice if the issue requires you too.
8. Allowing Pride into the Relationship
Not all arguments can be won by husband
or wife and taking responsibility and blame for a mistake, shows sign of
maturity. Remember, pride is something that is in each human but the
ability to let go is key to a successful marriage. Let the husband not
say “since I am the man of the house, I will not do these or that” or
the wife “since I am the wife, he should provide this or that”. Pride
has destroyed many marital relationships. You must allow yourself to get
softer and take responsibility for your actions.
9. Making lone decisions without consulting your spouse
Most couples forget that two heads are
better than one when it comes to decision making. Maybe when you were
single, you had the opportunity of making certain decisions like where
to go after work, where to spend your vacation, how to spend your money
and so on. Now you are married, those decisions are not for you alone to
make. Taking decisions alone can put asunder in a marriage as these
decisions also affect the spouse. It is best you take decisions together
to have better understanding on how to go about a particular issue.
There are many more mistakes but I tried
to highlight the major ones. Marriage is an institution that takes time
to perfect itself and as I said earlier needs tolerance, understanding,
sacrifice and God. Letting resentment build, denying your partner sex,
being insensitive to your spouse’s feelings and not giving each other
space are also mistakes one should avoid in building a successful
marital life.
BY Chizoba Ikenwa
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