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Rahab, a woman with a past shrouded in shame and scandal, may not be the first person that comes to mind when thinking of biblical heroes. However, her story of redemption and faith has much to teach us about the transformative power of God's love. In the book of Joshua, we are introduced to Rahab, a prostitute living in the city of Jericho. But as we dig deeper into her story, we discover a courageous and faithful woman who not only helped the Israelites conquer her city, but also became an ancestor of Jesus Christ. Join me as we explore ten powerful lessons from the life of Rahab that can inspire and guide us in our own journey towards redemption and honor.

Introduction - Unveiling Rahab: A Tale of Transformation

Rahab's story is a remarkable tale of transformation. A woman with a past filled with shame and scandal, she may not be the first person that comes to mind when we think of biblical heroes. However, as we delve into her story, we discover a courageous and faithful woman who defied expectations and played a significant role in God's plan. Rahab's journey teaches us about the transformative power of God's love and the possibilities that lie within each of us, no matter our past. Join me as we unravel the layers of Rahab's tale, and uncover the valuable lessons she has to offer. From shame to honor, her story is a testament to the redeeming and restoring power of God's love.

1) Rahab's Lesson on Courage: Braving Unchartered Territory

In the midst of uncertainty and fear, Rahab displayed an unwavering courage that sets her apart as a true heroine. Braving uncharted territory, she risked her own life to protect the Israelite spies. In doing so, Rahab demonstrated a remarkable trust in God's plan and a willingness to step out of her comfort zone. Her actions remind us that courage isn't the absence of fear, but rather, it's choosing to act in spite of fear. Rahab's lesson on courage encourages us to face our own uncharted territories with boldness and trust in God's guiding hand. We can draw strength from her example as we navigate through the unknown, knowing that God is always with us, providing the courage we need to face any challenge.

2) Embracing the Unknown: Rahab's Journey of Faith

Rahab's journey of faith is a powerful testament to the transformative power of trusting in God's plan, even in the face of uncertainty. As a prostitute in the city of Jericho, Rahab must have experienced numerous challenges and setbacks in her life. Yet, when presented with an opportunity to align herself with God's chosen people, she took a leap of faith and embraced the unknown. Rahab's journey reminds us that faith requires us to step out of our comfort zones and trust that God will guide us through the uncharted territories of life. Just as Rahab trusted God's plan for her, we too can find strength and purpose in embracing the unknown and allowing God to lead us on our own journey of faith.

3) Grace Triumphs Over Judgement: Learning from Rahab's Redemption

Rahab's story is a powerful reminder that grace triumphs over judgement. Despite her past as a prostitute, Rahab experienced redemption and found favor in the eyes of God. Her story teaches us that no matter our mistakes or shortcomings, God's love and forgiveness are greater than any judgement we may face. Rahab's redemption also challenges us to extend grace to others, recognizing that we are all in need of forgiveness. As we reflect on Rahab's journey, we learn that our past does not define us, and through God's love, we can experience true redemption and restoration. Let us embrace the lessons of Rahab's redemption and strive to extend grace to ourselves and others.

4) A Thread of Hope: Rahab’s Impact in Christ’s Lineage

Rahab's story of redemption and faith extends far beyond her own personal transformation. Her impact can be traced through the lineage of Jesus Christ, making her a vital thread in the tapestry of God's plan for salvation. It is a remarkable testament to the inclusiveness of God's grace, as Rahab, a former prostitute, becomes an ancestor of the Messiah. Through Rahab, we see that God can use anyone, regardless of their background or past, to fulfill His purpose. Her inclusion in Christ's lineage is a reminder that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and that He can bring beauty and redemption out of the most unexpected circumstances. Rahab's story serves as a beacon of hope, assuring us that our past does not define our future, and that God can use our lives to bring forth His glorious plan of redemption.

5) Harnessing Strategic Wisdom: Valuable Insights from Rahab's Story

Rahab's story offers us valuable insights into the power of strategic wisdom. Despite the risks she faced, Rahab strategically aligned herself with the Israelite spies and ensured her own safety and the safety of her family. This teaches us the importance of thinking ahead, assessing risks, and making strategic decisions in our own lives. Rahab's ability to navigate a precarious situation and come out on top is a lesson in using our resources wisely and seizing opportunities when they arise. By harnessing strategic wisdom, we can make informed choices that lead us closer to our goals and ultimately bring honor and redemption to our lives. Rahab's story reminds us that sometimes, thinking outside the box and making strategic moves can make all the difference in our journey towards a purposeful and fulfilling life.

6) A Life of Purpose Amid Chaos: Discovering Hope in Rahab's Life

Rahab's life was marked by chaos and uncertainty. As a prostitute living in the city of Jericho, she must have felt trapped in a never-ending cycle of shame and despair. But in the midst of her chaotic circumstances, Rahab discovered a life of purpose and hope. She chose to align herself with the Israelite spies and took a courageous step of faith. Through her actions, Rahab not only protected herself and her family, but she also played a significant role in God's plan for redemption. Her story teaches us that even in the most chaotic and desperate situations, there is hope. We can find purpose in serving God and trusting in His guidance, just as Rahab did. No matter what chaos surrounds us, let us be inspired by Rahab's journey and seek to discover our own life of purpose and hope.

7) God Uses Unlikely Heroes: Learning Humility from Rahab

Rahab's story teaches us an important lesson in humility and reminds us that God often chooses unlikely heroes to accomplish His purposes. Rahab, a prostitute living in Jericho, would not have been the obvious choice to play a significant role in God's plan. However, God saw beyond her circumstances and recognized her potential. This challenges us to let go of our preconceived notions and embrace humility. Just like Rahab, we must be willing to set aside our pride and recognize that it is God who uses us for His glory. By learning from Rahab's example, we can cultivate a spirit of humility and open ourselves up to the incredible ways God can work through our lives, regardless of our background or past.

8) Transformed by God’s Love: Unraveling Rahab's Path to Salvation

Rahab's path to salvation is a powerful testament to the transformative power of God's love. Through His relentless pursuit, Rahab experienced a complete transformation, shedding her past and stepping into a new identity. This transformation was not something she could achieve on her own, but rather a result of God's unwavering love and forgiveness. Rahab's story reminds us that no matter our past, God's love has the power to wash us clean and bring us into a new life of salvation. It is a story of redemption and restoration, showing us that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and grace. As we delve into Rahab's path to salvation, may we be reminded of the incredible transformative power of God's love in our own lives.

9) Resilience in Adversity: Harnessing Strength from Rahab’s Experience

In the face of adversity, Rahab displayed remarkable resilience and strength. As a prostitute living in Jericho, she was undoubtedly familiar with the trials and tribulations of a challenging life. However, instead of succumbing to despair, Rahab chose to rise above her circumstances and embrace a life of purpose and hope. Her story teaches us the invaluable lesson of harnessing strength in the face of adversity. Like Rahab, we can draw on our inner resilience to overcome obstacles and challenges. We can find strength in God's love and guidance, knowing that He has equipped us with the tools we need to face any adversity that comes our way. Rahab's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the transformative effects it can have on our lives.

Here we have the summary of the life of Moses.

Childhood years
Moses was the son of Amram and Yochebed of the tribe of Levi. Miriam and Aaron were his brother and sister. He was born in Egypt during the period in which the Israelites (Hebrews) had become a threat to the Egyptians simply because of their large population. The Pharaoh had ordered that all newborn male Hebrew children be cast into the Nile to drown. Amram and Yochebed took their newborn son and placed him in a waterproof basket and hid him in the tall grasses of the Nile. Meanwhile, his sister Miriam hid and watched over the baby from a distance. A group of women and servants were bathing nearby. The Pharaoh's daughter, hearing the baby cry, found and rescued him. She named him "Moses," meaning "drawn from the water." Her desire for a son fulfilled, she made certain that he had the best of everything, including education.
Moses was brought up in the splendor of the Egyptian court as the Pharaoh's daughter's adopted son. Grown to manhood, he was aware of his Hebraic roots and shared a deep compassion for his confined kinsmen. He became furious while witnessing an Egyptian master brutally beating a Hebrew slave, and he impulsively killed the Egyptian. 
Fearing the Pharaoh's punishment, he fled into the desert of Midian, becoming a shepherd for Jethro, a Midianite priest whose daughter Zipporah he later married. While tending the flocks on Horeb Mountain in the wilderness, he saw a bush burning yet not turning to ash. He heard a voice from within the bush telling him that he had been chosen to serve as one to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt. He was also told to declare the unity of God to his people. At that time most Israelite were worshiping many gods. Moses was to tell them that there was only one God.
The tremendous responsibility of Moses's task, his shyness, and his own feeling of unworthiness brought forth a hesitancy and lack of confidence. The Divine answer was "Who made your tongue?" He was then assured that Aaron, his more talkative brother, would serve as his spokesman both to the children of Israel and to the Pharaoh. The promised destination for the Israelite' journey was a "land rich with milk and honey."
Moses. Reproduced by permission of the Corbis Corporation.Moses returned to Egypt and persuaded the Hebrews to organize for a quick trip from their Egyptian slave drivers. With Aaron, Moses informed the Pharaoh that the God of the Hebrews demanded that Pharaoh free God's people. The Pharaoh refused to obey, bringing upon himself and his people nine terrible plagues (diseases that spread rapidly and can cause death) that Moses produced upon Egypt by using the miraculous staff he had received from God as a sign of his authority. The Egyptians suffered under the plagues of water turned into blood, frogs, gnats, flies, disease to their cattle, boils, hail, locusts, and darkness. Each plague was severe to the Egyptians but left the Israelites untouched. The tenth plague is now the Hebrew story of Passover. God sent the Angel of Death to kill the firstborn sons of the Egyptians—a proof of His immense strength and power. The Israelites protected their households by putting lamb's blood on their doorway, so that the Angel of Death would know to pass over their homes. This last plague broke the Pharaoh's resistance and moved him to grant the Hebrews permission to leave immediately. Moses thus found himself the leader of an undisciplined collection of slaves, Hebrew as well as non-Hebrew, escaping from Egyptian territory toward freedom.


Moses' immediate goal was Mt. Horeb, called Mt. Sinai, where God had first revealed Himself to Moses. The Hebrews came to the sacred mountain encouraged by the power they sensed in Moses. Summoned by God, Moses ascended the mountain and received the tablets of stone while the children of Israel heard the thundering forth of the Ten Commandments. Inspired, the people agreed to the conditions of the Covenant (agreement made between people and God).
Through forty years in the wilderness of Sinai, overcoming many obstacles, Moses led the horde of former slaves, shaping them into a nation. Many miracles happened along the way. When the Israelite stopped in front of the Red Sea with the Egyptian soldiers at their heels, it was Moses' raised staff that parted the Red Sea so that they could cross. Once they had safely crossed, the sea crashed down, drowning many of their pursuers. When food supplies ran out, God sent down what was called "manna" (spiritual food) everyday for the nourishment of the Israelite. Moses had to hear the Israelite complain about the food, the climate, and the slowness of their progress. Moses even had to hear the Israelite claim that Egypt had been better than this wilderness trip. When the people were in need of water, God told Moses to speak to a rock and water would spring from it. Moses' character was apparently worn down because, instead of following directions, he struck the rock with his staff. That was to have lasting impact on Moses's final days.
Last Days Of Moses
With the help of his brother Aaron, Moses was able to hold together his ragtag band of exslaves for forty years. Only a man with tremendous will, patience, compassion, humility, and great faith could have forged the bickering and scheming groups who constantly challenged his wisdom and authority into a nation. Throughout the forty years Moses was in constant communication with his Lord, the God of Israel. This God added to the Ten Commandments through Moses by giving a code of law regulating the social and religious lives of the people. This collection of instructions, read to and confirmed by the people, was called the Book of the Covenant. These were protected in a specially designed box called the Ark of the Covenant. All of the specific details were spoken through Moses by the God of the Israelites.
Under Moses's leadership, most of the land east of the Jordan was conquered and given to the tribes of Reuben and Gad and to half of the tribe of Menashe. Moses, however, was not permitted to lead the children of Israel into Canaan, the Promised Land, because he had been disobedient to God during the period of wandering in the desert. His regular meetings with God had fulfilled him in ways that even his fellow Israelites could detect. His face was always radiant when he exited any interview with his Almighty. Moses, 120 years old, died in the land of Moab and was buried opposite Bet Peor

Living in Abundance without living a productive life is nothing but magic. In this kingdom, you may expect miracles but don’t wait for magic.

Your gain in life depends on your sales.
If you have nothing you are releasing, you have nothing you are realizing.
From this point, let me tell you that to be productive you have to understand that you can be productive.

Image result for productivity

Genesis 1:28

If there is no ability to be fruitful in man, God will not issue that command.
You must therefore accept personal responsibility to utilize your potential and be productive.

The first lesson God taught Adam was responsibility:

1)       God brought all animals and said Name them
2)       He put him in a garden and said dress it
3)       Then he gave him, a woman and said take care.

Adam life would have been a waste without responsibility, he would have decayed out of idleness.

Friend your life should not get rotten away in accepting responsibilities.

Accept Responsibility for Self-Discovery:

Ask yourself what can I do? What is inside me. Convince yourself that you are not empty. Discover yourself.
Without discovery there is not distinction. That widow in II kings was asked an important question. II Kings 4:1-2

What is in your house, your tabernacle what are you carrying.

The key to your plenty is hidden in your potential.Inside your house, there is something to market.

 In Matthew 25:14: the parable of the talent, everyone has his portion. Convince yourself, you have what it takes to enter permanent abundance without stealing and accept the responsibility of discovery it.

Every seed that is put into the soil accept responsibility of shooting forth and once its shooting forth, no matter how hard the ground is, it gives way!

Therefore no matter how dark or hard your environment is:
You can see the light of the day
You can shoot out through the loud

 Accept Responsibility for Self Development: Matthew 25:14-17

The servant were given the goods by the master, they used their initiative to trade.

You have something in you that must grow. You must feed it by acquiring the knowledge and the skill.

If you need to undergo apprenticeship do it. 
One of the enemies of productivity is inferiority complex. And this is destroyed if you develop yourself.

Accept Responsibility for Self Impact

You can be encouraged to be productive, but it is you that must take the step.
You must take practical steps or you won’t see presentable results.

There is no impact without attempted actions. There is no effect without efforts.

You can’t make a mark without being on your mark.Begin to try things. Don’t fold your hands.

Don’t be slothful

Slothfulness means inaction or sleepy approach to issues of life.It does not mean lack of strength, it means lack of steps.

Proverb 19:15.
Slothfulness does not look like a big affliction, it comes and destroys silently.

 Proverb 6:10-11: It’s a little, a little, a little, then suddenly poverty and lack comes in.

Slothful people will end in regret, they will beg in harvest because they didn’t wake up to labor.

 Vital signs of Slothfulness

1)      Assuming: The slothful always assume that one day some good things will come.

2)      Believe in luck: Those who believe wholly in luck must accept lack

3)      Lack of self-value: The slothful always feel inadequate, either because of money or connection. The little he can do he won’t do. Self value determines public value

4).   Love of relaxation and rest Proverbs 20:13

…Love not sleep. Sleep is a rehearsal of death. The closest thing to death is sleep. So when u give yourself too much sleep you are practicing death.

The only place where the body will rest completely is in the grave. That’s why we put RIP. Please stay away from too much sleep.

When you sleep, everything slips out of your hand. 
Can a dead man hold money? When you sleep can you see anything passing?

5).   Excuses Prov.22:13, 20:4

6).   Procrastination

You are created to be fruitful. Fruitfulness is your inheritance.

Archbishop Joseph Olanrewaju Obembe has gone the way of the Fathers.He passed on this morning May1st,2019 according to close family sources.

A highly respected charismatic leader,he is the Presiding Bishop at El-Shaddai Life Ministries  and one time President of Pentecostal Fellowship Of Nigeria,Lagos State.

Praying without following the principles will only result into nothing but frustration.
You can’t access God’s power if you abandon God’s principles
“If ye be willing and obedient, you will eat the fruit of the land”
I want to teach you this morning, I do not want to excite you : though you will be excited.

God is not a respecter of any persons, if you follow the principles you will witness the power.

1.      Principle of Open Heaven
Every man operates under a “heaven space”.
It is marked out for that person. I have my heaven space and you have your heaven space.
Deut.28: 23, Mt.3: 16 a lot people stood by Jordan but the heavens opened upon Jesus.

It is possible for the heaven to be closed over a business, a family, a town (Amos 4:7)
In such condition supernatural speed is impossible!
It was the hand of God that came upon Elijah that made him to outrun Ahab. 1Kings 18:46. When the heaven is closed, that hand cannot reach you! Without an open heaven, there is no supernatural speed.

The prodigal sin left his father house and his heaven became closed!
All his investment was lost. He only recovered when he traced his steps back.

3 Things closes the heaven
1.     Sin - Isaiah 59:1-2
The hand of God for Supernatural speed can’t touch you, because sin has created a wall.You’ve got to deal with that sin to secure God and secure open heaven! Isaiah 59:20.

 2.     CURSES

When a man is under a curse his heaven is closed, nothing works

Different Types Of Curses

See if you are a Christian and you don’t know your right, you can remain under a curse, of course that does not stop you from getting to heaven but you can’t manifest on earth.
          (1)     Generational Curses Luke 20:29 - 32
                   7 brothers all died prematuredly
                                  all died with no issue
                   They all made heaven!
II Kings 5:27  (Leprosy on the seen of Gehazi)
Exodus 34:7
(2)         Territorial Curses
Joshua 6:26/II kings 2:19
Jericho was cursed until God’s servant took charge.
Judges 5:23 – Curse ye Meroz and curse ye the inhabitants thereof.
If you live in a cursed territory, your life may be in danger!
It may be accused house/company
(3)         Parental Curse Matthew 15:4/Proverb 30:17
(4)         Curse of the Prophet

Parental Curse Deuteronomy 27:16
He that bites the finger that fed him is about to settle for everlasting hunger.
To mock your parents is to settle for shame in destiny
Do you remember Reuben: He dishonored his father and was cursed
What of Ham/Canaan: cursed unto permanent servitude
There are 2 types of Parents: Physical and Spiritual
Way out – Genesis 27: 1-4, bless them with what you have and with their prayer.
Curse of the Prophet
If somebody prays and God answers be careful of him – God hearken to his counsel.
ü    Don’t discuss men of God and speak evil of dignities
ü    Don’t Gossip them if you want to live long
ü    Miriam and Aaron knows better
ü    The parents of those 42 Children will live to remember that day
ü    Those parents will teach other how to keep living by keeping their tongue

Avoid this kind of curse
Curses of God
This is the most prevailing curses in the body of Christ.Major reasons why God can himself place a curse on people includes:
1.      Trusting in Man  -        Jeremiah 17:5 –6
2.      Spiritual Robbery         Malachi 3:8-9
3.      Ingratitude                    Malachi 2:2
4.      Deceitful work              Jeremiah 48:10

When the heaven is open, no one can stop you.
What could not be done in 30 years, when the heaven open in Jordan in 31/2, it was accomplished, that is speed.
That will be your testimony in Jesus Name.

Preached By Bishop Sola Adetunji,Chapel Of His Power,Ado-Ekiti,Nigeria

Life is to be lived once, if you have correct information, once is enough!
*To enjoy continuous progress, there must be continuous change
*The kind of thinking that brought you to this place is not the kind that will take you to your destiny
*The road to success is always under construction!
What is perspective? It is an expression of your attitude.

Effect of negative perspective
1.      It stagnates Num.13:31
What you see today determines where you’ll be tomorrow (wilderness in Canaan)
Ø   Do you see a Nigeria where only crooks make it
Ø   Where no one can secure work without knowing the commissioner/minister!
2.      Removes your joy and the joy of people around you. Num.13:33, 14:1
3.      Impart fear and remove faith
Peter’s story walking on the sea
At every junction, you have two choices
·              Look unto Jesus
·              Look unto the storm
If you look at Jesus, you will walk
If you look at the storm, you will sink
Perspective made David a winner in the battle to Elah! 1Sam.17

Effects of positive perspective
1.      It attracts God into your situation. Ps.34:22
2.      It imparts enthusiasm and zeal.
David just began to talk to everyone who cares to listen! This non-living thing, I will bring him down.
During rainfall some shiver, some hiss, some look for clean vessels to collect water.
You can’t deliver the goods if your heart is heavier than the load.
3.      Positive perspective is your spear. David ran!
I can’t is the conclusion of fools. It cannot be done is the conclusion of thoughtless men.
In Kings College London, Cancer researchers did a long-term study of 57 breast cancer victims who had mastectomies.
·              7 out of 10 with fighting spirit were alive 10 years after
·              4 out of 5 women who felt helpless at the diagnosis died
To develop right perspective
·              Pray right prayer
·              Listen to right words
·              Stay around with right people
·              Read the right books
·              Look unto God
Life is not an experiment. You can either stand up and be counted or lie down and be counted out! It’s up to you.

1. Faithfulness is commanded by God in the scriptures.Heb 13:4
2. Being faithful to your lover encourages your lover to be faithful to you.
3. Being faithful makes your relationship/marriage last. The quickest and easiest way to end your relationship/marriage is by cheating.
Image result for marriage faithfulness
4. Being faithful gives you peace of mind, you don’t have to watch your tracks, you are not paranoid, trying to remember every lie you say.
5. Being faithful boosts the quality of your sex life. Faithfulness is sexy. When your spouse knows you are faithful your spouse will give you great sex, no one feels safe sexing a spouse who has been with another.
6.Being  faithful will teach your children and observant neighbours to be faithful in the future
7. Being faithful makes you focus on your relationship/marriage. You are not distracted, flirting with another/s or sexing another/others. Focus makes you have a healthy love life.
8. There cannot be love without faithfulness.
9. If you don’t want to be faithful, why are you in that relationship/marriage? What is the point of committing if you will not be exclusive? If you are tired of the commitment, end it; don’t stay and cheat, that shows how low you stoop, making a mockery out of your commitment.
10. God is faithful, strive to be like God. God is love.
11 Faithfulness sets the right example for your children to follow. Children learn from our actions and behavior.
12. Being faithful has a positive effect on your character. That way, you are able to live out your greatness with confidence. Integrity is important, and it starts by how you live your private life, it gives moral authority. Mess up your private life and everything else will fall apart.
13. Faithful people are happier, more relaxed, more fulfilled, they smile more; their conscience is clear, living a life that is not stressful, empty or complicated.
14. Being faithful makes you proud of yourself. Yes, you may feel macho or in control when you cheat, you may numb your conscience. But when your unfaithfulness breaks the good that you have and hurts the person and the family you should have been faithful to, it will hurt you too. It will be difficult to live with yourself.
15. Being faithful makes your lover trust you, and with trust, he/she surrenders and gives all to you, you get to know your lover deeply as access is fully granted to you. Without trust, you will never fully receive all the blessings your lover brings.
16. Being faithful makes others respect you. When you stand your ground and tell off those trying to lure you from the one you are committed to, when you publicly show loyalty to your lover, the public will respect you, people will admire you.
17. Unfaithfulness brings diseases; not just sexual diseases but the rotting of your heart, it darkens and poisons the amazing person you actually are, condoms cannot protect you from the decay of your soul.
18. There is no benefit in being unfaithful, no fruit, reward or advantage; just pain, regret and destruction. Unfaithfulness feeds on your selfish side and blinds you.
19. The person you are being unfaithful with doesn’t have your best interest at heart but seeking to feed his/her selfish desire and needs. That person doesn’t care about the mess he/she is bringing to your life. Yes, you two may feel close, you may even say you love each other; but even terrorists and thieves have a sense of love and belonging amongst each other, you two are criminals committing a crime. That person has personal issues, that’s why he/she doesn’t respect your legitimate commitment. And you are foolish to allow yourself to be led astray, that person is short term wrecking your lifetime.
20. Eventually the thrill of unfaithfulness will go. When people venture into unfaithfulness, it feels so good, exciting and pleasurable. You plan secret meetings with the one you are cheating with, you enjoy; but soon you will realize it is wrong, the affair will collapse, you will outgrow your stupidity. Sadly, you come back to what is important, you come back to your legitimate relationship/marriage/family, back to the treasure you used to invest in only to realize it is too late, the damage is done. You destroyed something so great, you destroyed a once in a lifetime blessing, for something so meaningless.
There are some things you must understand about the act of eating in the dream so that you can be totally free.


1.People eat in the dream when they are physically hungry
Acts 10:13-14
Then a voice told him, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” “Surely not, Lord!” Peter replied. “I have never eaten anything impure or unclean.”

Peter was physically hungry and he was commanded  to take some food in his vision. Of course that is not a demonic food. However if similar incidents begin to happen regularly you will need to pray very seriously
2.If the mind is preoccupied with food or food related events during the day
Ecclesiastes 5:3
If you keep thinking about something, you will dream about it. If you talk too much, you will say the wrong thing. (CEV)
3.People eat in the dream when their spirit is weak and sleepy
4. When there is satanic attack. One of the ways demonic initiate contact with your spirit man is by giving you polluted things to consume in the dream.It is also a medium for remote witchcraft manipulation and affliction.
5. When there is a special revelation:Rev 10:10-11
10 Then I took the little book out of the angel’s hand and ate it, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my stomach became bitter. 11 And [a]he said to me, “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues, and kings.”
That was a special revelation communicated through what the writer of revelation consumed in that particular vision.
It is a dangerous trend however when you eat regularly in your dreams and you call it revelation. You may be dragging yourself into trouble without knowing.


There is the need to differentiate between ordinary eating in the dream and eating in the dream that is of demonic origin
1.Demonic eating happens frequently. Not just once in a while.Though one time attack through demonic food may be deadly
2.Demonic eating involves eating something strange. When you find yourself eating things like excreta, sand, raw meat, bloody food...then know for sure that there is fire on the mountain
3.According to Isaiah 29:8
It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold, he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty:…
Normally when you dream and eat,you are not suppose to sense anything in your stomach or mouth. If at any time you now begin to feel full or have strands of meat in your mouth after the dream...then something is wrong.
4.After satanic eating there will be tightness in your spirit. Your spirit-man will not be free. That liberty of 2Cor.3:17, will not be there.

 5.You may sense something happening physically in your body immediately after waking up.

I preached a message on YouTube on this same topic and the response was heavy from all around the world.
I have therefore packaged a self explanatory PROGRAM:( How To Stop Eating In Your Dreams In 15Days Or Less) that you can personally go through that will guarantee your FREEDOM from demonic eating. This is not just a book it is a 15-Day Spiritual Program  that you must get involve in if you really want to be free.

It is a package that includes spiritual resources worth about $100 (Eighty dollars)in cash. I am however giving it out at the rate of $10.

To secure your copy:
PAY IN DOLLARS....Click Here

PAY IN NAIRA.....Click Here & Download immediately

TEXT ISAIAH 49: 24-28
CONFESSION: Rev. 13:10, Jer.30 :16-17,Num 23:23, Psalm19:15,
1. Thanksgiving
2. Confession
3. Praise worship
4. Cover yourself and every property with the blood of Jesus Christ.
5. It is very dangerous to pray these prayers without being born again.
6. Sing the war song 3x”Let God arise and my enemies be scattered, let God, Let Jesus arise”
7. Arrows of errors and mistakes fired into my head, backfire , in the name of Jesus.
8. Arrows of confusion fired into my head, backfire to sender, in the name of Jesus.
9. Arrows of insanity fired into my spirit, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
10. Arrows of untimely death fired into my dream life, backfire, in the name of Jesus.
11. Occultist arrows fired into my health come out and backfire to sender, in the name of Jesus.
12. Witchcraft arrows of discouragement fired into my spirit backfire to sender, in the name of Jesus.
13. Arrows of charm, enchantment and incantation fired into my life backfire, in the name of Jesus.
14. Arrows of bareness fired into my womb and genitals backfire, in the name of Jesus.
15. Arrows of poverty fired into my life backfire, in the name of Jesus.
16. Arrows of non-achievement fired into my destiny backfire, in the name of Jesus.
17. Arrows of repeated problems fired into me backfire, in the name of Jesus.
18. Every arrow of hatred and rejection fired into my life jump out, in the name Jesus.
19. Rituals and sacrifices programmed against me backfire to sender, in the name of Jesus.
20. Padlocks of wickedness targeted against my name backfire, in the name of Jesus.
21. Judgement of darkness upon my name backfires, in the name of Jesus.
22. Satanic mirror of wickedness used to curse me, destroy by fire, in the name of Jesus.
23. Horn of wickedness used to curse me, destroy by fire, in the name of Jesus.
24. Owner of evil load of sorrows and lamentation carry your load and die, in the name of Jesus.
25. Satanic carpenters building coffin for me, enter your coffin and die, in the name of Jesus.
26. Any power firing arrows at me somersault and perish with your arrows, in the name of Jesus.
27. Arrows of evil marks and satanic labels fired at me backfire to sender, in the name of Jesus.
28. Arrows of sickness and infirmity fired at me jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus.
29. Arrows of troubles fired into my marriage jump out and backfire, in the name of Jesus.
30. Masquerade arrows fired from my village backfire to sender, in the Jesus.
31. Arrows of joblessness prospering in my life backfire, in the name of Jesus.
32. Arrows of mistake and error fired into my life backfire, in the name of Jesus.
33. Every divination and sorcery targeted at my finances backfire, in the name of Jesus.
34. Arrows of bewitchment fired into my life kill your owner, in name of Jesus.
35. Every charm, enchantment targeted against me backfire, in the name Jesus.
36. Every herbalist and charmer targeting my destiny kill yourself, in the name of Jesus.
37. Every strongman attacking me through charms and sorcery die suddenly, in the name of Jesus.
38. Every demonic agent in my fathers house,planning to ruin my life  what are you waiting for perish, in the name of Jesus.
39. My father,my father,arise and take vengeance against any satanic agent planted around me to finish me in the name of Jesus.
40. Every ritual, sacrifice and charm buried in the ground against me go back to sender, in the name of Jesus.
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Bishop(Dr) Sola Adetunji is the founding President of Chapel Of His Power and Divine Power Bible College. He was born in Ibadan, Nigeria and attended primary and secondary school in Osogbo before studying Pharmacy at the University of Ile-Ife, graduating with a Second Class Upper degree in 1987. Adetunji is an amazon author of several works and is happily married to Toyin, an ordained Minister of God, with whom he has three daughters and one son: Progress, Praise, Perfect and Paul. He has contributed numerous sermons to Sermon Central and other websites including youtube on topics such as understanding success, overcoming anger, deliverance, the authority of believers, and others. He is the convener of Singles Ready To Marry group on Facebook and Whatsapp.
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