God had a comprehensive big plan for Moses; therefore he could not be killed like others. Those murdered, no one can kill you. For you to permanently secure god’s protection there are some facts you must know:
- You are covered by the blood of Jesus Exo. 12:13
- When evil things are happening, God will personally cover you because of the blood of Jesus.
- You must not fear death.
- Fear is the police of the devil; if you are afraid then what you fear will happen to you. Job 3:25, Psalm 91:5, 6; 2Tim 1:7.
- You must speak positively, even when physical symptoms are saying contrary things. Num14:28, Prov18:20-21, Joel3:10.
- There are guardian angels with the assignment of protecting you. Psalms34:7, Psalm91:10-11, Dan6:22.
- You cannot be wounded; weapons of men (either celestial or terrestrial) cannot harm you. (Rev7:2-3, Isaiah54:17) Jesus has been wounded for you, and 2 people cannot be punished for the same offence (Luke10:19)
- Long life is your eternal heritage (Psalm 91:16, Exodus23:26, Job5:26, Isaiah 65:22)
- The fact that disaster befell someone doesn’t imply it will befall you.
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